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Editing actions supported
You can use the following actions:
  1. use the Resize option to enlarge or reduce the size of your pictures

  2. use the Crop option to get rid of some unwanted objects in the background, or need just a part of a picture

  3. use the Rotate option to rotate your images at any desired angle and select their background color

  4. use the Flip option in order to have your pictures inverted vertically and horizontally

  5. use the Projective option in order to turn your pictures into free-form "rectangles", so it feels as if you are looking at them in perspective

  6. use the Anti projective option to fix pictures (for example, posters) taken from a poor perspective

  7. use the Horizon straightening option if your pictures are skewed

  8. use Watermarks to identify copyrighted or proprietary images; another reasonable use is to make stamps on documents

  9. use Borders to add a rectangular overlay or margin border to your pictures

    Also you can apply Artistic and Geometric affects. Here is the list of them:

    Solarize Blends a negative and a positive image. Solarization represents a negative-to-positive inversion. By means of the Solarize effect light areas on the image or a photo become darker, and the dark areas are changed into light. Using this effect, you can make a custom solarization.
    Posterize The Posterize effect gives your pictures an artistic look by reducing the number of colors on the image. The resulting picture resembles a poster.
    Saturation Adjusting image/photo saturation affects the intensity of colors.
    Invert The Invert effect works pretty much like the Solarize effect, with the difference that it causes an automatic inversion from negative to positive.
    Grayscale To automatically add a grayscaled look to your color pictures, apply the Grayscale effect.
    Sepia To add an old-time look to your photos, use the Sepia effect.
    Emboss The Emboss effect automatically gives a relief look to your photos.
    Add color noise Apply the Color noise effect to add or increase the amount of color noise on your pictures.
    Add mono noise To add noise without affecting color, use the Mono noise effect.
    Gaussian blur The term refers to the Gaussian "bell shaped curve" distribution named after the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. Using this softening effect (Gaussian blur), you can give your images/photos a good hazy look.
    Split blur With the use of the Split blur effect, an image is basically duplicated within itself in such a way that the duplicated copies overlay each other.
    Sharpness The Sharpen effect automatically makes blurry images/photos sharper.
    Disturbanse The Disturbance effect adds random ripples to your pictures.
    Fish eye Use the Fisheye effect to automatically apply a fisheye lens view to your pictures.
    Twirl Applying the Twirl effect, you can give your images and photos a special spiral-like look.
    Bloat The Bloat effect produces an impression that your images/photos are blown up.
    Tile As the result of using the Tile effect, your picture is reproduced by its multiple copies as if it was paved with tiles. You can specify the exact number of horizontal and vertical blocks (for example, 5.5, 10.10, etc.), increase or decrease their number.
    Mosaic Fills in an image with small rectangles. One of the possible reasons to use the Mosaic effect is to simulate the low-resolution display.

    To make your image look more attractive try to apply Adjustments:

  10. Brightness allows you to change the brightness of your image, to make it lighter or darker. You can simply move the slider to choose the brightness or just set it at the Brightness area.

  11. Auto brightness does not assume any settings to customize; this option allows you to make simple adjustments to the tonal range of an image. As a result you will get more saturated image.

  12. Auto contrast can improve the appearance of many photographic or continuous-tone images. This command adjusts image contrast automatically so that the highlights appear lighter and shadows appear darker.

  13. Auto color does not assume any settings to customize. This command adjusts the contrast and color of an image by searching the image to identify shadows, midtones, and highlights.

  14. Auto levels option automatically adjusts the black point and white point in an image. This command gives good results in image that need a simple increase in contrast.

  15. Contrast command adjusts the grayscale value of the output channel. Negative values add more black and positive values add more white color. You can simply move the slider to choose the brightness or just set it at the Brightness area.

  16. Curves option allows you to make precise adjustments to individual color channels in an image.

  17. Levels option allows you to correct the tonal range and color balance of an image. You may adjust intensity levels of image shadows, midtones and highlights.

  18. Variants option allows you to change the "amount" of the color. You may add more green, red, yellow, magenta, blue or cyan to your picture.

  19. Color replace option allows you to replace specified colors.

Also you may use Red eye removal.
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